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Coffee Types. What Can be Done With Coffee Makers in 2019? For more than a thousand years, humanity has been perfecting the art of making and drinking coffee. This is because the legends say that the first goat shepherd who took the mysterious "red berry" began dancing with his animals immediately; and today we can find a traveler savoring a cup of good morning, of java. And it is that the magical coffee bean has become both an addictive necessity and the best option to offer a welcome. Luckily for us, the best coffee beans in the world are now easily accessible and affordable; and with it the preparation of a good cup has become an art worthy of being admired.  Although there are still the classics of a lifetime, of cup, coffee (or infusion) with or without milk and sugar (the most daring already dare with stevia, a totally natural sweetener!); and stop modern bullshit. The Best Known Types Of Coffee Resistor not to the new era of encapsul